Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Etraterrestrial Life

Have you ever sat under the stars and wondered if there was something else out there? What would they look like? Would they look anything like us? Would they look like Mr. Spock, Yoda or something completely unrecognizable? If we can find so many differences amongst ourselves, what are we going to think if we ever met said aliens?

If you look at our evolution, starting from microscopic organisms to Homo Sapien Sapiens taking millions and millions of years of constant change. If our evolution had only taken a slightly different path that time, we would be completely different. If our evolution is the product of chance and trial and error, the chances that we find a humanoid being that fits our mold of "normal" are very slim. Unless, our evolution was directed by a higher being such as God, Allah, Mother Earth, etc. Maybe evolution was meant to take a certain path and that life on different planets follow similar patterns.

Will we be the first one to venture out in space and discover an unknown planet or will some other species that are just as curious as we are visit our planet? Hopefully one day we'll make first contact and find out.

This may not have to do much with astronomy but my Blog reminded me a computer game that is coming out soon. The game is called Spore. In Spore you start out as a microorganism and end the game as space a explorers. During the game you experience evolution, the rise of civilization and eventually space travel. The game looks really interesting because during the evolution phase of the game, you are able to adjust your species attributes to make sure it survives, so it's basically like an evolution simulation.

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