Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Why is our planet named Earth? I always thought that the name of our planet was uninteresting especially compared to the other planets.

All the other planets from our solar system are named after gods... GODS! Jupiter is named after the roman king of gods (the roman equivalent of Zeus), Mars is the god of war, Jupiter is the god of water, etc.

Our planet is named after the ancient Greek element of dirt and soil. Why not call it Water? Our planet's surface is about 75% water. Wouldn't that make more sense? Maybe planet Vegetation? Many planets have dirt but not every planet has water or vegetation.

What are the extraterrestrial lifeforms going to think when we tell them our planet is named Earth?

Earth is a pretty special planet. Don't you think we might aswell give it a pretty special name?

image taken from wikipedia.


smallville70 said...

Earth is an acronym for Heart. It is the Heart center of our solar system.

smallville70 said...

Earth is an acronym for Heart. It is the Heart center of our solar system.