Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Hubble Telescope is a Star!

Roll out the red carpet, Hubble is making it to the big screen. Warner Bros. Pictures has announced the production of an upcoming 3D film for IMAX. The movie will use footage taken by the STS-125 crew. It is set to release in early 2010.

I'll take this opportunity to talk a bit about the Hubble Space Telescope. The Hubble Telescope is a telescope that orbits Earth, that launched in 1990. The telescope is named after the astronomer Edwin Hubble. Though only launched in 1990, the idea of a space telescope had been around since 1946. The Hubble Space Telescope is a
Ritchey-Chretien telescope, also known as an RCT. The diameter of the telescope is 2.4m and its focal length is 57.6m. The telescope has had a very big impact on astronomy.


Kenneth Perna said...

The irreducable complexity in both the least and the greatest as seen in this hubble telescope can conclude as we peer out into the universe that we are unable to see the beginning or the end of things. The beauty and amazement of it all shows a beautiful artist and designer who created us to appreciate it all. Our eyes were designed to percieve and enjoy the Glory of it all and since the eye cannot function at all unless it is a whole we can trust that we have a designer who loves us.

Unknown said...

Actually, most of the "glory" seen by Hubble are invisible by human eyes. The pseudo-colored images you see are acquired through instruments designed by human to capture X-ray, as well as other invisible wavelengths and electromagnetic waves.

"Beauty" in and of itself is a human-generated term. If anything that is beautiful is generated by an artist, does it also go to mean that anything "ugly" is not designed by the so-called artist?

What makes you use the word "irreducible"? Are you sure? We may not have reduced it all, but we have reduced quite a bit of it. Shouldn't it be "not yet completely reduced"?

red beard said...

Well Kenneth. Trust that you have a designer who loves you because aparently Leong does not.